Saturday, February 4, 2012

New Site!

We would like to call your attention to our new focus site:

Friday, February 3, 2012

More Rankmaniac 2012 Sites!

Would you believe that this isn't the only Rankmaniac 2012 site? If you liked this one you will love these!

Rankmaniac 2012
Rankmaniac 2012

Mistake in Rankmaniac 2012

So for the longest time, we were wondering why we weren't indexed yet. Part of the reason could probably be that we were missing tags. Oops. Though some of my reading tells me that google and bing don't actually read metatag content--still, I felt like it had an effect, as we did start appearing in search results.

In the course of fixing this error, I also found this tool 
It gives a little more data than is necessary or useful, but it kinda feels like being in the matrix  (even though I've never watched any of the movies), and thus makes me feel awesome.

Relevant in regards to our error:
rankmaniac 2012

Now we're on google and ready to dominate this rankmaniac competition!

Project Runway All Stars Episode 5:Clothes off Your Back Recap

Oh, the drama!
Don't producers realize that asking New Yorkers to give up their clothing on camera is quity possible a bit awkward? But I suppose they achieved the drama they were after. The part where Anthony walked up to an already shirtless guy and asked for his pants was reality tv at its best. You had abs worthy of Jersey shore, swooning women reminiscent of a Justin Bieber concert, and...well Anthony could have a TV show all by himself. Doing exactly what I'm not sure, but it would be entertaining.
As for Kenley helping Kara finish her pants--I feel like it was just an excuse to for one character to say the token "this is a competition" line. I think it was probably blown way out of proportion--but aren't most things nowadays? If the transgression was seriously that terrible, the judges would have been on them for rule-breaking as hard as they were on the eventual eliminee.
And Jerrell. What on earth were you thinking? How were you expecting a zebra print mixed with a tribal print mixed with a..oh god. It was like Mood exploded. And yet somehow with so many varieties of fabric, his model's upper body was practically naked. Most shocking is where he proclaimed that he expected to win. I thought you were one of the designers with better taste. None of the critics mentioned that weird fabric mini-cape over the model's hips. No woman wants that region to look bigger!
The elimination of one of the biggest personalities on the show--well, I guess we'll have to look to Angela's stone-faced commentary and blandness for our source of entertainment on Project Runway from now on. Blech.

Darnit, rankmaniac 2012!

Rankmaniac 2012 frustrates me because of how little direction there is. What is acceptable to do? What am I doing? What am I supposed to do?
And above all, why is it not working!?
rankmaniac 2012
Rankmaniac 2012! I am so frustrated that I'm just going to keep repeating that phrase. Buooh ~angry whale noises~

Inbread Cats

Dear rankmaniac 2012 followers, today we alert you to the serious matter of inbread cats.
rankmaniac 2012

rankmaniac 2012

rankmaniac 2012

rankmaniac 2012

And because we accept that not all rankmaniacs like cats...
rankmaniac 2012